Body Mods

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Body Mods are implants that every citizen of Earth, regardless of race, gender or age, can get for free. New Body Mods are released annually and are carefully chosen and designed by the International Body Council. To get a Body Mod all that one needs to do is go to the nearest hospital and simply ask for whatever latest Body Mod they'd like.

2022 Body Mod Line Up

The Body Council heard the disappointed reviews of 2021’s Body Mod line up and decided to step up their game with their 2022 selection of Body Mods.

A model of what Samson's Hooks look like when attached.

Samson's Hooks

Samson's Hooks are hooks that get installed on the back of the calves, they resemble a large coat hook you'd see on a wall. Out of all the 2022 Body Mods, Samson's Hooks are the most functional. Besides just being a fashion statement, Samson's Hooks can be used to hang objects on your legs, defend yourself from attackers by giving extra power to your kicks, and can be used as spurs for horse back riders. The aerodynamic design of Samson's Hooks paired with their notable mass means people who are getting this Body Mod will notice moving a bit faster when they walk or run around. The Body Council also kept in mind 2022's trends when they designed Samson's Hooks as they have been specially made to make preforming hat tricks easy. The operation for getting Samson's Hooks is fairly noninvasive as all the doctors need to do is secure the hooks into the leg with a screw driver, Ryobi nail gun or a drill[1].

A drawing showing where a Pipe might be placed.


Pipe is a run of the mill, standard stainless steel 2' long 3" diameter pipe that can be found at any general hardware store. As a Body Mod however, Pipe is able to be put anywhere inside the body, it's design even allows it to stick out of the body if someone wanted. By far the most popular location for Pipe is vertically in the torso, other less popular locations are the arms, legs and head. Torsos are a popular choice because having a Pipe increases the efficiency and speed of various bodily fluids around the implanted Pipe, causing the digestion process to happen a lot faster. Another common reason why people might get a Pipe installed is just for the aesthetic value or feel of having a Pipe inside them. Getting a Pipe Body Mod can be considered invasive, as doctors cut open the body and put the Pipe inside[2].

A man who has gotten the Circles Body Mod.


After public backlash over 2021's Body Mod; Squares, the Body Council took the body modders' criticisms and finally come out with Circles in 2022. Circles come in many different materials, ranging from felt to metals and are grafted into the skin. Many former Square modders were happy with the release of Circles and either plan on replacing old Squares or just getting Circles as well[3].

A diagram depicting the muscular structure of Muscle 36Tb-508.

Muscle 36Tb-508

Muscle 36Tb-508 is a new muscle developed by the Body Council that is placed right on the left arm's interior elbow. Muscle 36Tb-508's are made by enlarging microscopic sections of arm muscle, the final size is described to be about 80% of a honey baked ham. The newly attached muscle will have skin, hair and lymph nodes grow that are identical to the modder's body. Muscle 36Tb-508 is prehensile and is capable of swinging around and wrapping around objects. So far one of the few complaints from users of this mod is that it creates a 'new armpit'[4].

A man's rectum filled with OIBO's.

Orbsmann's INTERNAL Body-Orbs (OIBO's)

After much anticipation from the Orber community, the Body Council had finally teamed up with Orbsmann's to create a new subsidiary company called; Orbsmann's INTERNAL, and released the Orbsmann's INTERNAL Body-Orbs or OIBO's. OIBO's are 2"-6" diameter orbs that are put anywhere inside the body, they can be placed freely or into bags or tubes to make them easier for removal[5]. A popular spot for OIBO's is in the stomach where the pressence of the Orbs trick the brain into thinking it's full, making it preferable to those busy bodies who don't like wasting time eating[6].