Speedmont Correctional Facility

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Speedmont Correctional Facility was a building in Atlanta, Georgia where those accused of crimes could go if they wished to speed up their trial times, in place of a traditional penitentiary. Inmates at Speedmont would be treated like any other prisoner with the exception that in exchange for their sped up trials, if they were found guilty of their crime they would be executed.

Daily lives of inmates

Prisoners at Speedmont had the opportunity to work jobs during their incarceration such as general cleaning of the yard and or morgue, as well as cooking meals for inmates. The typical meal for a Speedmont inmate would have been about 800 calories of creamed corn a day, prisoner meals were considered to be solely carbs and fats. The prisoner commissary trade inside of Speedmont was dominated with the trade of ramen noodle packages, with a few packs having been quoted as being able to get you “...all types of powders and all types of potions”[1]. Besides other commissary items, trading also had consisted notably of Honey Buns as they had been used to make poorer inmates indebted to others through their exchange.


Speedmont Correctional Facility during it's destruction on August 31st, 2022.

Since its creation Speedmont was under constant scrutiny over its practice of executing prisoners over even minor infractions if they were found guilty, this led the management of Speedmont to decide that the building should be destroyed. Thus on August 31st, 2022 the Speedmont Correctional Facility was destroyed by way of explosives in multiple wings of the building that went off at the same time[2].

The destruction of Speedmont also caused turmoil as right before its demise, all files on inmate trials were deleted and nearly all faculty and prisoners were kept inside the building as it was demolished causing the death of hundreds (with the exception of one; Judge Faster who had gotten out of the building before it was destroyed)[3].