Morph Williams

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Morph Williams
Morph Williams' MeMoreTV picture
Morph Williams
OccupationPatron of the arts (?)
Known forDisgraced former MeMoreTV employee
Criminal statusPending

Morph Williams is a mysterious figure who has a complex history with MeMoreTV. While he seems to have previously held an executive position in the company, he was fired in 2016 under concerning circumstances. This clouds the help he has extended to the hosts of Skeleton Realm LIVE!, but his intentions and true nature remain unknown at the current date.

Initial interactions with Skeleton Realm LIVE!

Morph's first appearance happened at the end of episode 99, in which he was introduced as the "MeMore VP Success Coordinator". He began by congratulating Doug and Sam on 99 episodes and to express his excitement for episode 100.[1] Doug and Sam explained their plan for episode 100, which involved the following:

  1. It All About The Number, Baby (A Hundred)
    1. Shirts To Match
      • Us on the normal set with shirts that say 100
    2. Counting (To The Number)
      • Us on the normal set counting
    3. Doug's Suspension Demonstration
      • demonstrate "levitation aesthetics"
    4. That's it!

Morph then revealed that he wanted to offer the Sam and Doug a "MeMoreTV Pilot Program", which included funding amounting to $450.00 ($400 of which was given in four separate checks worth $106.41, $86.24, $108.69 and $98.66. No explanation was given for the remaining $50.) for a talk show with News, Sports, Science, Technology, Travel and Fitness segments. With the blessing and support of someone they considered an important figure from MeMoreTV, Doug and Sam went ahead and made minor changes to their original plan for episode 100, with points 1-3 being entirely removed and replaced with many more elaborate new segments in episode 100.[2]

During episode 100, Sam and Doug sacrificed a yellow balloon as a symbol of their gratitude for the opportunity Morph had given them. This follows an ancient human tradition of using balloons to send messages and celebrate achievements to match. The process involved writing "A Hundred" on the balloon and then releasing it into the night sky.[3]


TV Trash

MeMorn pilot in TV Trash

In episode 101, hardcore disturbing details arose surrounding Morph's identity and actions.[4] Firstly, Doug and Sam's MeMorn pilot was dropped into the "TV Trash", which involved taking the Master Tapes and tossing them away and burning them and destroying them a'swell. Morph did give them notes on the pilot, which Sam described as "epic" and "awesome", but Doug was unable to decipher them.

Potential Financial Fraud and Disturbing Behaviour

A DNA bag held up by Skeleton Realm LIVE! co-host Doug Bleichner

Another point of concern was the financial side: Morph's checks bounced, meaning that Sam and Doug had to cover the considerable production costs for episode 100 themselves, even taking out a loan[5]. Because of this confusion, they decided to call Morph live. He began by expressing his sorrow at the pilot not being picked up, but then moved on to talk in a cryptic style about unidentified beings chasing him and stalking him to match, which meant said beings were also after Doug and Sam. To make it up to them, he left DNA Bags under their chairs, which smelled hardcore bad and stank up the room in a disgusting fashion. The dark brown moist substance within the bags remains unidentified so far. He informed them that if they did not hear from him once every 24-hour period, they would know what to do with the DNA bags. They did not know.[6] His instructions were to toss them right in the freezer immediately until they needed them. He then hung up. This left the hosts with many perplexing questions. Sam surmised that the DNA bags were for leverage, whereas Doug posited that Morph might not be "all the way there."

Because the checks were fake, Sam and Doug used them as paintbrushes in episode 102.[7] The purpose and nature of this painting will not be revealed here in the interests of Doug and Sam's legal integrity.

Potential Identity Fraud and Employment Status

Doug then revealed that much of the correspondence between him and Morph had been troubled; throughout the week prior to the pilot, Morph's communication had started making less and less sense. When Doug reached out to MeMore about the situation, Doug realised that Morph might not in fact be an employee of MeMore at that time. To match, the checks appeared to be fake. Nevertheless, Doug and Sam resolved to remain cooperative with Morph, as the situation remained unclear. Extensive research by Doug revealed Morph's only online presence was an outdated LinkedIn page found on the WayBack Machine. Doug then flew to Los Angeles to the MeMore head office to find out more about Morph, but did not have the required security documents to enter, and ended up defecating and urinating outside in the dumpster. Having rummaged around in the dumpster, he found the Morph Files.

Morph Files

Extract from the Morph Files, detailing the disturbing circumstances around Morph's departure from the company

The Morph Files revealed that Morph held an executive position at MeMore, but was fired in 2016 for "Being too random". The document also contains a warning addressed to all employees, touching on aspects of Morph's dangerous nature and advising them to stay away from him. Sam and Doug's attitude towards Morph remained cautiously cooperative.

The "Term Puff" from episode 103 reveals that Morph was mentioned by certain users.

In light of this discovery, MeMore informed Sam that it had opened up its own investigation into Morph, which he described as "Full Morph Pursuit Mode." In a segment titled "MeMore Morph Crackdown: Surveillance Program Rollout: Y'ALL Including Us are Being Cracked Down Upon," Sam and Doug revealed that both they and the Realmers were under hardcore surveillance. As part of this program, the RealmEye initiative was launched in order to collect extensive data on Realmers' communications behaviours and rank Realmers based on their engagement with Skeleton Realm LIVE! As of episode 103, Morph had been mentioned in a total of 70 messages, according to Realm Eye data. Independent data analysis reveals that 58.6% of these messages are negatively disposed to Morph, 22.9% are positively disposed to him (the majority of which came from episode 99), while the remaining messages are neutral in tone.

Potential Burglary

In episode 103, Doug revealed that Morph had entered the studio and "ruffled stuff around" and left "a lot of footprints" a couple of days before that episode.[8] He did not accuse Morph of breaking and entering. Perhaps as a show of friendship or mayhaps to sow further confusion, Morph left lots of clues around, including printed-out pictures of himself. Most notably, however, Teaseball was missing, leading Doug and Sam to believe that Morph had "borrowed" the tease-talking toy.

Having returned to California, Morph then mailed the co-hosts of Skeleton Realm LIVE!, Doug Bleichner and Sam Wagstaff, a package containing another DNA bag. Within the unknown, presumably organic matter found in the bag there was a USB stick with a video file on it, showing a confused Morph having a conversation with Teaseball, apparently believing it to be a sentient being rather than a toy. Morph laid out some of his plans in this conversation, including his intention to gather more DNA for the DNA bags and getting them ready to mail out. He also gave some insight into his activities at the house: he had done 15-20 laps around the house that morning and planned to do 20-30 more in the afternoon. It is not confirmed that he followed through on this.

However, Morph returned Teaseball before episode 104[9], not quite in the same state as before; according to Doug, Teaseball was covered in hairs and lint, as if he'd been in Morph's pocket, meaning he would have to be professionally cleaned.


Another matter of concern to the hosts of SRL was the leaking of the entirety of the raw footage from episode 100 by Morph.[10] However, in order to get ahead of any potential leaks, Doug and Sam uploaded the footage themselves to Skelepedia. Moprh also laid out an approach for editors to use when working with the footage.[11]

Morph Dolls

Morph Doll pictured in promotional material

Morph Dolls are a toy developed by MeMoreTV ("about 10-15 years ago," according to Morph) as part of a toy series.[12] This involved producing 100,000 dolls of each of the MeMore executives, of which 1,000-5,000 Morph Dolls sold. In order to keep the remaining stock safe and stored at a temperature of 72°F/22.22°C, Morph decided to purchase them from MeMore. He expressed concern about the safety of his cargo, stating that it could be shot down in transit by some of the individuals who have been following him since 1996 or, more recently, since 2012 and 2013, and asked Sam and Doug to be on the lookout for any aircraft flying overhead which might be used to intercept his dolls.

Doug denied having heard of Morph Dolls and was sceptical of their existence.[13]
