Bofa Deez (/ˈboʊfə diːz/) is a Key Realmer, VIP LORD PREMIUM ELITE tier Skeleton Realm supporter, RAV4 owner, video editor, Timecoder, Veteran Cutdown Splicer, and Radio Frequency Specialist at an unknown radio transmission communications facility in Massachusetts. His contributions of short-form edited Skeleton Realm LIVE! segments, or "cutdowns", have accumulated 49,623 views on the Skeleton Realm TikTok.

Bofa Deez using a cell phone

Chat Style

Deez has contributed nearly 2,200 chat messages during Skeleton Realm LIVE! broadcasts. He is known for "maintaining a tone" of positivity and revelry among realmers. Bofa first chatted the phrase "SKELLY REALMMM" exactly 69 seconds into the broadcast of episode 24 of Skeleton Realm LIVE! at 8:01 PM on Oct 5, 2022.

Bofa has also adopted a "comment style" of leaving a time coded comments on most SRL episodes so viewers and producers may easily navigate the video.


Bofa Deez' used his experience in the professional video editing field to contribute "cutdowns", or edited segments from SRL, to Doug and Sam, allowing the hosts to redirect their physical resources to non-cutdown tasks or hobbies.


Deez' cutdowns are known for their use of horizontal scaling, captions using a large, serifed yellow text with a large black stroke, superimposition of the segments' graphics or OTS, and the use of feathered, oval masks to fit multiple subjects on screen at once.

Collaboration with Wagstaff

On May 7, 2023, Deez uploaded "Clapping.mp4", a two and a half minute supercut of individuals on Skeleton Realm LIVE! clapping. Host and fellow editor Sam Wagstaff continued to edit the video, doubling its playback speed and adding a "clap counter" overlay that displayed nearly random values with decimal values that extended beyond the width of the screen. Following these edits, the cutdown accumulated only 719 views on TikTok.


On May 25, 2023, Deez ran into road enthusiast and competing streamer Road Guy Rob. Bofa appeared on the stream and discussed transit, Bofa's cross-country travels, the relative direction of Hingham, Skeleton Realm, and Uncle Jerry.