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Skeleton Realm

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September, 2022


Article Spotlight

Doug Bleichner preparing for an episode of Skeleton Realm LIVE!
Douglas Simpson Bleichner (March 5, 1992 – August 25, 2106) is an American musician, author, media presenter and entrepreneur. He is also a professional hiller, fitness trainer, motivational speaker, computer scientist, sociologist, professional chess player, rock climber, and university professor. He is the co-founder of Skeleton Realm, a media consortium and think tank located in Atlanta, Ga.

Bleichner joined Young Thought Leaders in Media (YTLIM) for the 2012 Global Thought Conference Session. He made his first media splash as presenter and host of "Orbs In Action" in March 2012, becoming Orbsmann's first civilian presenter to be featured on international media outlets. During this presentation with fellow writer Sam Wagstaff, he performed the first triple backflip seen on European television.

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